
Quick, Easy & Insured Loans.

Need quick, convenient loans for your farm? Investa Farm has you covered! 💰

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Easy, Quick & Insured Loans.

🌾 Need quick, convenient loans for your farm? Investa Farm has you covered! 💰 Skip the hassle and get the funding you need fast. 🚜 Apply now and watch your farm flourish! 🌱


We offer different loan opportunities to farmers.

Get Started.

Growth Support Loans.

Loans to support your farm growth like expanding your zero grazing unit or buying heavy duty farm machinery. .

Working Capital Loans.

Loans toward labor cost and payment of things like logistics.

Production Enhancement Loans.

Loans to buy farm inputs and other materials that support farm production.

Special Investement Loans.

Loans given through IFarm token involving tokenizing inventory and land.

Visit an Agristore.

Step 1

Carry copies of You identification Details.

The first step for farmers is to visit the agristore with their identification documents. These details are necessary for verifying their identity and eligibility for the loan..

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Step 2

Visit any Agri-store near You & Fill Application form.

At the agristore, farmers need to fill out the loan application form provided by the store for Investa Farm Loans.

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Step 3

Receive Notifications on receipt on Disbursement.

Upon submission of the loan application, farmers must wait for a maximum of two days for approval and loan disbursement.

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Step 4

Pick Your Farm Inputs at the Agri-store.

Once the loan is approved, farmers receive information from the agristore regarding the loan disbursement process. This includes details such as the approved loan amount.

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Frequently Asked

At Investa Farm, we offer loans ranging from $500 to an upper limit of $30,000. The specific loan amount depends on the farmer's credit score and financial profile.

If you are unable to access the Investa Farm platform, you can still explore financing options through AgroStore, our affiliated agricultural financing service provider.

After the loan is disbursed, the lender receives detailed information on where to procure farm inputs directly from us. We ensure seamless access to quality inputs, facilitating efficient farm management.

Investa Farm stands out for its competitive rates, offering easy, quick, and insured loans. We prioritize providing accessible financing solutions tailored to farmers' needs, empowering agricultural growth and sustainability.

Partner with US.

We invite agribusinesses to join us in exploring partnership opportunities in areas such as:


Market linkages

Connect farmers directly to buyers, ensuring fair prices for their produce and reducing post-harvest losses.


Data-driven insights

Leverage data analytics to provide farmers with tailored advice on crop selection, yield optimization, and market trends.


Financial Inclusion:

Develop innovative insurance products to protect farmers against losses due to natural disasters, climate change, and market fluctuations


Educational Content

If you are providing educational content to Farmers. We would be open to working with You.
